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阿波罗 1 号火灾

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During a 1998 interview for the Johnson Space Center Oral History Series, launch pad leader for all of the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo flights, Guenter Wendt, had this to say:"By the way, … when we did that "From the Earth to the Moon" thing with Tom Hanks, the one individual who knows more about that fire, and details, is actually a fellow by the name of Rick Boos. I don't know if you ever heard his name. He is a freelance writer. Anyhow, he knows more than anybody, either NASA or contractors or anybody, about that whole thing. As a matter of fact, I have a tape he sent me, done last February, as to

what the Apollo 1 capsule looks like right now. He was going to see

if it could be re-erected for a museum … cleaned up and so on. He became one of our technical advisors, too. By the way, …—I mean,

off the record—he found out that some of the top people testifying

for Congress did not tell the truth. They contradicted themselves

in the reports. … he is not one of the favorite people for the

hierarchy … but he has, actually, volumes of individual things down, everything documented. I told Rick, I said, "You should write a book."













Editor's Note: When Mr. Boos and I reunited in the fall of 1994, he was working on a manuscript for a book {“Beyond The Threshold....A Reflection”}. he was writing about the Apollo 1 fire, questioning NASA's response to the emergency on launch pad 34 on that fateful night in January 1967. Rick was a very giving person and he spent

days, months and years helping others to write 32 books and produce documentaries on the Liberty Bell 7and the Apollo 1, as a result, his book did not come to fruition. I last visited Mr. Boos in 2017. At that time, I asked about the book and tried to encourage him to proceed and publish his works. Unfortunately, time seemed to have taken its toll on him and he showed little interest in resuming his endeavor. Thus, Mr. Boos' thoughts on the Apollo 1 fire, in a compact form, are lost to the ages. What follows was found in his documents;

an outline of his intended book..... 





摘自Boos 先生的书稿












摘自 Rick 的手稿


小时候,我迷恋无限和上帝创造的奇迹,我会仰望天空,规划我人生的未来。宇宙的壮丽在我很小的时候就深深地吸引了我的心,并证明这是一种会不断增长的爱和痴迷。我梦想着明天的世界到来时会是多么美妙。我梦想着明天在未来的某个虚幻的日子里,我的目标和梦想会变成现实,我可以进入天堂,踏上另一个世界的未知沙滩!似乎就在几年前,我在爷爷奶奶的车道上凝视着现在我认为是满月的东西,那天晚上我对自己发誓,有一天我会走在它那惊恐的脸上,爬上我想象中的倒置陡峭的冰山。我经常 猜测当我 换个立足点,换个地方,回望我的祖国时,我的反应或解释会是什么 行走在一个人类从未涉足过的新世界。战争从未肆虐,暴力和人类的丑陋 不为人知。从宇宙深处的某个地方凝视地球,与世界和我心甘情愿离开的亲人分享它和上帝的奇迹。与上帝在星空之间精神漫步,观察他的全部创造。看到地球的真实面目, 以及他必须看到的样子,并意识到我是宇宙的孩子,是上帝家庭中众多孩子之一,并与地球上的全人类分享。但那是昨天,从昨天到现在已过去了很多年,我意识到那永远不会发生,但那本可以发生的挥之不去的刺痛感仍然萦绕在我的脑海深处,甚至今天仍在我心中燃烧!在接下来的几年里,人类打破了地球轨道,第一次笨拙地踏上了通往月球的旅程。我看着其他人实现了我的梦想,那些被选中的少数人,我和其他许多人一样,亲眼目睹了我们通过他们的眼睛看到的倒影,就像上帝真正看到我们一样。现在在我的黄金岁月里,情况并不那么糟糕,因为多年来上帝为我打开了许多门,那些实现了我梦想的人成为了我的朋友。猜怎么着?我的名字在几次任务中被带到了月球上,多年来,我有幸在月球的不同位置接触到了多颗月球陨石(月球岩石)!所以你看,我可以随时触摸月球!!!!!!

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“Rick Boos-2017 年 5 月

绝对没有兴趣写一本关于阿波罗 1 号火灾的书......这不会让他们回来或改变任何事情!NASA 从未从挑战者号和哥伦比亚号的错误中吸取教训,除非他们停止自我调查,否则他们永远不会吸取教训!狐狸看守鸡舍!我指的是 NASA 管理层!阿波罗 1 号火灾是一个大掩盖,NASA 的人都知道!甚至保罗·哈尼在去世前也对阿波罗 1 号的处理和掩盖行为进行了严厉批评!用他的话说,“吉姆·韦伯撒谎太多次,以至于他开始相信自己的谎言!”阿波罗 1 号一直是 NASA 的眼中钉!格斯就像一头狼

在荒野中嚎叫,而 NASA 不会


阿波罗 1 号幸存下来并吐露了他的


可悲的是, NASA BS 的言论将永远存在!”


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