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Rick Boosi uurimiskeskus

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Rick D. Boosi pärand
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Space Music

Ricki teekond {1950–2021}

"Rick's knowledge is only surpassed by his sometimes maddening demands for accuracy."

Russell Still co-author with Guenter Wendt of "The Unbroken Chain"

For the 10 year old classmates of Rick Boos, his story began at 9:30 a.m., Friday May 5, 1961 when class was interrupted by an announcement over the PA system at Orville Wright School in East Dayton, Ohio. For the

next 20  minutes we listened intently to the launch, flight and splashdown of Freedom 7, America’s first manned suborbital flight with Alan Shephard onboard. From that moment on, Rick Boos would forever be associated

with spaceflight, eventually becoming a space researcher, historian, freelance writer, consultant and

space memorabilia collector.


The Rick Boos Research Center is dedicated to documenting Rick's life and his endeavor to seek truth

and transparency in America's Space Program. While Mr. Boos was thoroughly versed in everything

space, he was laser focused on the loss of the Liberty Bell 7 in 1961 and the tragic fire on

AS 204 {Apollo 1} oJanuary 27, 1967.


It is important to understand that it is not the purpose of this website to pass judgment on any of the historical events, documents, photographs, or correspondences thus presented within these works. The information

provided is simply a portal to the work, thoughts and love of manned space flight as researched and 

understood by Rick Boos.


Nupu juhend

Riiklik aeronautika- ja kosmoseamet

Riiklik aeronautika- ja kosmoseamet

(NASA) on USA föderaalvalitsuse sõltumatu asutus, mis vastutab tsiviilkosmoseprogrammi , aeronautikauuringute ja kosmoseuuringute eest.

NASA asutati 1958. aastal riikliku aeronautika nõuandekomitee (NACA) järel, et anda

USA kosmosearengu jõupingutused on selgelt tsiviilsuunalised, rõhutades rahumeelseid rakendusi kosmoseteaduses .  

NASA on sellest ajast alates juhtinud enamikku Ameerika kosmoseuuringutest , sealhulgas Project Mercury , Project Gemini , 1968–1972 Apollo Kuu maandumismissioonid, Skylabi kosmosejaam ja kosmosesüstik . NASA toetab

Rahvusvaheline kosmosejaam ja jälgib kosmoseaparaadi Orion , kosmosestardisüsteemi , kommertsmeeskonna sõidukite ja kavandatava Lunar Gateway kosmosejaama arendamist. Agentuur vastutab ka starditeenuste programmi eest, mis tagab stardioperatsioonide järelevalve ja NASA meeskonnata kaatrite pöördloenduse haldamise.

Tekst: Wikipedia

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